How to End Poverty in Six Months

This is an article I wrote on my financial Salvation website that outlines the logic behind what I think is the most reasonable way to try to solve a problem like worldwide poverty.

We may not actually be able to end poverty in six months, but trust me, with the viral nature of online communications, it may not be so far in the future.

Read it HERE

How To End Poverty In Six Months

Poverty and Access to wealth

The main barrier that keeps most people in poverty is not that they are intrinsically invaluable and cannot produce anything.

Its because their access to wealth and markets where they can freely interact with the more  prosperous societies is greatly limited.

I wrote a great article series on this topic here

Poverty & Access to wealth: Intro

Acheiving World Peace Through Investments

The First D.R.O & World Peace

There are numerous implications of the ideas I propose here and on my website at for international and individual dispute resolution.

This article I wrote describes some of the ways in which our approach to ending poverty could also lead to more innovative solutions to other social and environmental problems.

Read it here: The First D.R.O & World Peace

The Value of People as Investments

What is the value of investing in human beings?

The article I wrote about this here outlines some of my thoughts on the benefits of investing in other people.

The Value of People As Investments

Welcome to my Impact on the World!

This website represents what I feel to be the most important thing I can be doing with my time on this earth.

Learn more about why I think I can end poverty here

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The Key to ending Poverty

We have to stop all this talk about the whole world getting along and singing kum-baya until the children get fed.  The world is just not structured like that and things are not that simple. If they were, we would not need things like economics and psychology to understand interactions and human nature.

The world will not all do the right thing at the same time and it makes no sense to depend on that idea for world change.

Incentives, businesses, and inventions are what change things.  You have to show people what the other side looks like and how much better it is before the world will change.

Slavery did not go away in the developed world because people wanted to do the right thing.  It was simply no longer profitable and logical.  The economies dependent on slavery could not compete with free market systems.

Simply put, it’s hard to get a job when everyone has slaves.

We are now faced with another problem of the same kind and our response must be similar, but a reverse of the previous case.

What we need to prove is that it is highly profitable to help people out of poverty. Not short term gains which can be realized by taking advantage of them, but consistent long term gains through mutually beneficial partnerships and collaborations.

Once we make it profitable to get people out of poverty, then the rest of the world will have no choice but to get on board or stay behind and lose out on massive profits.

Learn more about how we can profit from poverty at my library

Making smart investments in each other

Investing in other people is what will change the world, not throwing money at them through all kinds of charities and government programs.

If you can create profit by helping people live better lives and be more productive in society, the forces of greed and capitalism will eradicate poverty and every person will have hundreds of investment firms bidding to improve their life and productivity.

learn more about this HERE

I dare anyone to prove me wrong!

I’m a pretty rational fellow and am open to all criticisms and opinions regarding the body of work I’m sharing.

I sometimes get spooked out by how simple the idea is and how many ramifications it has.

learn more about what I’m doing here

I’m always open to the possibility that I’m wrong and thus request that if some aspects of my ideas do not sit right with you, please feel free to comment.

It will be greatly appreciated.

The OFFICIAL End of Poverty

This blog and my website @ are an attempt to share my vision of what i believe to be the missing piece in human development.

I’m sure we all agree we can’t really call ourselves advanced when 20,000 of our children die from lack of food.

I believe I have a real solution to poverty that strikes it at the root.  We need to stop wasting our money on charities and other attempts to cure symptoms.

read more at my library